Session Tips: How To Have A Successful Family Lifestyle Photoshoot

Gold Coast Photographer, Golden Sundays Photography

Keep scrolling to read my top tips on how to get the most out of your lifestyle family photoshoot at one of the Gold Coast’s beautiful locations.

The answer to how to have a successful family photoshoot is an easy one…

Happy Kids

If you start with happy kids, everything else will fall into place. There’s a few things I recommend doing which may come as common sense for parents, but I’ll mention it here anyway.

  • Make sure kids are well fed - and pack snacks. If you’ve ever met a toddler who is suddenly starving hungry or dying of thirst - then you know why. Some other things that are handy to pack, just incase, is a change of clothes and some baby wipes.

  • Take the pressure off - Kid’s have a sixth sense for when their parent desperately wants something to go right, and you can bet they won’t be having any of it. Take the pressure off by making sure you allow enough time to get ready before your session, so that you aren’t rushing out the door. Arriving early will also help, so you have enough time to park, find the location and get the kids settled into their session.

  • Wear something you are comfortable in - That shirt that you love but you have to keep pulling it up? It’s probably better to save that one for another date. Wear something you feel good in, and you won’t have to be constantly re adjusting. This goes for kids outfits too.

gold coast family in water with boat
  • Let go of expectations - Chances are, your kids are going to run wild at some stage during your session, my advice to parents is to let them be! The last thing we want is parents yelling at kids to sit still and kids getting upset. They might sit, but they won’t be happy about it - and it will show (remember - we want happy kids!) Let go of whatever expectations you have coming into your session, and allow whatever to be, be. I promise your photos will turn out better because of it.

  • Trust your photographer is going to capture all the best parts of your family and that wildness is one of them!

  • Enjoy the experience - make it a fun and memorable one! Often families take advantage of a sunset shoot by going out for dinner afterwards. Others go for a swim together or just let the kids jump in the water fully clothed ( I love to capture this also). Whatever you decide to do, I suggest making the most of your family time and you will be able to look back on your family photos with a full heart.

Learn more about my Gold Coast family photography sessions

or read here about my five tips for taking better photos of your children


About The Photographer: Why I Love Film Photography


Five Tips For Taking Better Photos Of Your Children